Wholesale Books Sales

Inspired Earth Publishing House does not typically sell directly to retailers. All our distribution is handled by the following major distributors:

U.S.A., Canada, and many other countries

Ingram, NACSCORP, Baker & Taylor, and Matthews Medical

United Kingdom and Europe

Gardners, Bertrams, Blackwell, Coutts, Dawson, Cypher, Mallory International, Broadwater

Please note that our titles are typically distributed with a short discount of 25% and on a no-returns basis. We realise this does not appeal to most, if not all, traditional book sellers. If you are a small book store specialising in personal development books and would like to stock our titles, we would be honoured to have you on board. Please refer to the Special Enquiries information below.

Special Enquiries

We are able to have case lots of our titles delivered to book stores in many countries at a discount of 50% plus shipping costs. Returns will not, however, be accepted due to the high overheads involved. Please use the Contact Form accessible on the About Us page of this website to enquire.